Steve's Roleplaying Page

I started roleplaying in secondary school. When I was "studying" in Cambridge, I continued. For my sins I was elected Secretary then Chief Caprine Entity for CURS (the Role-Playing Society). These two posts meant I spent a total of 5 years on the committee, which I believe to this day is still a record. In my time, I also represented the Society (and hence the University!) in the annual Varsity Match against Oxford. For this feat I earned the prestige of a Quarter Blue!
Also in Cambridge, I was somehow chosen to be Honorary Vice-Chair Thing in CUWoCS - the Cambridge University Worshippers of Cthulhu Society, a CURS spin-off.
Since I graduated, I've kept on playing in various games. Some of them:
- Mike's Ars Magica game set at the covenant of Sagres. The library for the covenant is here. I play Paulus, a young Merinita in the game.
- Steven's superheroes game The Powers and the Glory, where I play Minuteman, a patriotic hero with the power to grow and shrink himself.
- A group of us have created a 1920s New England town called Unity, where various foul supernatural goings-on blight the local populace. My character Robert Johnson and his friends at the 122 Society work hard to save the world on a regular basis.
- Tristan is running System of Thought, set in the Babylon 5 universe where the PCs are telepaths evading the Psi Corps. I play Greg, an asteroid miner.
- We've just finished the third season of Rob's Messengers, using In Nomine. I have a Mercurian angel called William.
- I'm Bo Gundersson, a seasoned medic/explorer in Catherine's far-future adventure/intrigue Diplomatic Immunity.
and I've run several games myself:
- A one-off game based on Big Brother.
- A Cthulhu-style adventure set in Newburgh, the village where I grew up.
- A Feng Shui game run in Hong Kong (and across time and space!).