DebConf14 web and wiki BoF web stuff - git ? - existing contributors need to learn a new thing - size question (CVS is ~350Mb) - Rhonda did a conversion (~540Mb) - initial git clone takes a whole while, subdir (language) checkout not possible - Possible use of submodules? Could be tricky though. - the whole scripts and "page outdated" handling would need to get reworked, especially with respect to not let it query history because that's slooooowwww - translation issue needs solving - po4a is an option - Locale::Po4a::Wml - would need help pages for casual patch senders for single file checkout - speed of site building & delay of builds - wiki stuff - debian deserves an arch's or gentoo's grade wiki! ideas: - freeze wiki per release and copy on write to the new version. Kind of what apache does with their docs. Right now is very outdated and hard to keep track and demotivates people to keep it up to date This also allows to keep different docs on stable and unstable where there are different versions and differents steps have to be followed It also helps to auto clean the wiki, since you dont need to keep and remove manually steps that "used to work" on potato - alternative would be to add a macro allowing pages to know what the current release is (easy) and show different content. The counter point to this, is to be able to remove outdated content over time - should be easy to do a search for old stuff, good point spam tor dumps translations security issue