Steve's Page

Welcome to my little corner of the net. Here's the usual collection of links and some small bits of information about me.



I'm Steve McIntyre. I was born at 21:12 BST on the 28th May 1974 in Wigan. I came to Cambridge on the 2nd October 1993, and I've basically stayed here ever since. I'm married to the fabulously adorable Jo McIntyre.

If you need to contact me, I have more details. This is not an invitation for you tell me how to Make Money Fast or similar.

I have a CV stored somewhere around here.

I currently work for Pexip, where I am a software engineer. The job certainly does not involve web design, as I'm sure these pages will illustrate...

Steve says hi!

Stuff I do

I design and develop software every day at work, then as if that wasn't enough I normally finish work and carry on! I'm a Linux expert, and I help to develop the Debian distribution. I used to be the Debian Project Leader, elected in April 2008 and again in 2009. I also create and sell Debian CDs and DVDs. I have contributed to a wide variety of Free Software projects over the years.

I'm a keen role-player, and I run and play in several games with a group of friends in Cambridge.

I dabble with my digital camera; I have some photographs of people and places on the web, and some more that my friends have taken.

I enjoy going to the cinema ( Arts Picturehouse | Light Cinema (ex-Cineworld) | Vue | Cineworld Ely) and the theatre ( Corn Exchange | Arts Theatre | The Junction) in Cambridge.



I know the following people fairly well. Some of them might consider me a friend, while others might deny having ever met me. I'm not sure if I should ask...

| Simon Booth | Ben Chalmers | Rob Hague | Phil Hands | Ian Jackson | Rob Kendrick | Jonathan McDowell | Neil McGovern | Martin Michlmayr | Andrew Mobbs | Catherine Pitt | Mike Pitt | Andy Ross | Daniel Silverstone | Andy Simpkins | Colin Tuckley |


Random links and silly stuff

You may find them useful, or then again maybe not...

Some funny? things people have sent me, and others found on the 'Net.

Where can you see lions? Only in Kenya, I'm told.

Like many people, I'm a pain to buy gifts for - I'm often in the habit of simply buying CDs/DVDs/books/electronic toys as I want them. In the hope it'll help family and friends, I'm going to try maintaining a Wishlistr wishlist of things I'd like but don't have (yet!)...

And here's a list of the DVDs I've already got, so I can remind myself... :-)

Details of my home wireless network.

That's all folks!